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Top 10] Interesting Facts About Blue Moon That You Don't Know 

Top 10] Interesting Facts About Blue Moon That You Don't Know 

By: Sahil Luthra

travelling knowledge

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Blue Moon 2023

Experience the extraordinary celestial spectacle of the Super Blue Moon on the night of August 30th, a rare event that graces our skies once in a blue moon.

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1. Blue Moon Not Actually Blue

A "blue moon" isn't blue in color. It's called that because it's a rare event.

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2. Two Meanings in  Blue Moon

There are two ways to understand a blue moon: when two full moons happen in one month, or when an extra full moon occurs in a season.

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3. Where It Comes From Blue Moon

The term "blue moon" started in 1937 because of a mistake in a farmer's almanac.

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4. Rare Happening in Blue Moon

Blue moons are not very common. They usually happen every two to three years.

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5. Blue Moon: Two in a Year

Sometimes, a year can have two blue moons, which is even more special.

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6. Blue Moon How Months Work

Blue moons can depend on how long our months are in the calendar, connecting moon cycles to our human way of measuring time.

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7. Eclipse Connection in Blue Moon

Every so often, a blue moon lines up with a lunar eclipse, creating an amazing sky show.

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8. Moon Color Change

During a blue moon, the moon can look reddish because of stuff in our air like dust or smoke.

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9. Stories and Beliefs in Blue Moon

People have told stories about blue moons for a long time, adding mystery to their rare appearances.

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10. Special Meaning of Blue Moon

In stories and sayings, a "blue moon" means something really special or unlikely – just like the real event!

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