Big Bend National Park

 Hiking, Wildlife & Camping in Texas


December in Big Bend National Park is a spellbinding embrace of contrasting elements, an ethereal dance between winter's gentle touch and the enduring spirit of the desert.

Trails like Lost Mine Trail, Chimneys Trail, and Santa Elena Canyon Trail are great options. Just make sure to layer clothing as needed.

Go hiking

The Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive is a 30 mile route through the high Chihuahuan Desert with stops at sites like Castolon Historic District, Mule Ears Viewpoint, and Sam Nail Ranch.

Take a scenic drive

Dec-Feb is peak camping season due to mild weather. Front-country campgrounds like Chisos Basin have amenities while backcountry sites require backpacking in supplies. E

Go camping

Hike along the Trail Along the River or take rafting trip for dramatic views of the 1500-foot sheer canyon walls formed by the Rio Grande river.

See Santa Elena Canyon

Stop by Rio Grande Village, Cottonwood Campground, Dugout Wells trails for excellent odds of spotting Vermilion Flycatchers, Common Black Hawks, Montezuma Quails and more rare species.


Billions of stars shine brightly in Big Bend's dark night skies. Plan a night at the Chisos Basin amphitheater.

Go stargazing

After a dusty desert hike, relax by soaking in the steaming hot waters near Boquillas Canyon along the Rio Grande. Don't forget proper footwear as the trails can be muddy.

Take a dip in the Hot Springs

Cactus fed javelina are very common in the Chisos Mountains while the Desert Big Bend region has black bear, coyotes and countless lizards & snakes.

Enjoy wildlife spotting

For multi-day remote wilderness backpacking, try trails like Marufo Vega  with a steep climb rewarded by broad vistas considered the premiere backpacking trail in Big Bend traversing various ecosystems

Go backpacking

Local outfitters like Far Flung Outdoor Center offer half day and full day float trips in the Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River through stunning Santa Elena Canyon with its 1500 ft vertical rock walls.

Take a scenic river float trip

Stop by the Chisos Mountains Lodge gift shop and Basin Store and Emporium for Big Bend shirts, hoodies, hiking gear, books, postcards

Shop for souvenirs

There are endless things to explore and enjoy in magnificent Big Bend National Park during December.
