Are US National Parks Allowed to Visit Free on this Special Day?

By: Prerana Aggarwal

It's America's 30th annual National Public Lands Day, and it's going to be an extraordinary celebration of our natural wonders. Here are 10 key points you need to know about this exciting day:

On this special day, hundreds of federal lands across the country will offer free entry to visitors. This includes all 425 sites within the National Park System, from iconic national parks to battlefields, monuments, and seashores.

Free Entry for All

National Public Lands Day is also the largest volunteering event of the year at parks and public lands. Join over 70,000 volunteers in service projects ranging from environmental conservation to beautification efforts.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Partnerships with Federal Agencies

Volunteer activities vary widely, from pulling weeds along the Atlanta BeltLine to painting fences at Bryce National Park or capturing the beauty of fall colors at Round Lake Logging Dam in Wisconsin.

Diverse Projects at National Park US

Some visitors enjoy free entry to national parks all year round. This includes U.S. citizens and permanent residents with permanent disabilities, veterans, Gold Star Families, and fourth graders and their families.

Year-Round Benefits

With so many opportunities for free visits to national parks, it's time to plan your next adventure in the great outdoors. Explore the beauty of America's natural treasures without breaking the bank.

Plan Your Adventure on this Special Day

On September 23rd, America celebrates its 30th annual National Public Lands Day. It's a day dedicated to the great outdoors, and there's something for everyone.

National Public Lands Day

In addition to National Public Lands Day, there's one more day this year when you can enjoy free entry to national parks – Veterans Day on November 11th. Take advantage of these opportunities to explore the great outdoors.

Other  Fee-Free Days

Throughout the year, other special days also grant free entry to national parks. These include Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the first day of National Park Week, and Great American Outdoors Day.

Special Waivers on Free Days

While entry fees are waived, it's essential to note that some parks have third-party-operated facilities like museums and parking that may still charge fees. Be prepared for any extra costs.

Additional Costs at National Parks US

National Public Lands Day on September 23rd is your chance to connect with nature, give back to the environment, and explore the breathtaking landscapes of the United States.

23rd  Sepetember

So, gather your friends and family, pack your bags, and get ready for an unforgettable outdoor experience on this special day!

Free Visit to National Parks US